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Homo Temporalis: German Jewish Thinkers on Time

Homo Temporalis: German Jewish Thinkers on Time

Nitzan Lebovic

Jan 2025 | 348 pages | 6x9

ISBN: 9781501779565

Cornell University Library and Cornell University Press
$34.95 paper


Homo Temporalis focuses on the importance of temporal concepts for four German Jewish thinkers who profoundly shaped twentieth-century intellectual history: Martin Buber, Walter Benjamin, Hannah Arendt, and Paul Celan. By analyzing the concept of time, Nitzan Lebovic explores Buber's stress on the temporality of the dialogue between I and Thou; Benjamin's now-time and "dialectics in standstill"; Arendt's understanding of democracy as "natality" or a "permanent revolution"; and the "breathturn" that informs Celan's poetry. Framing the reception of German Jewish thinking in the second half of the twentieth century as a parallel story to the rise of the modern humanities, Homo Temporalis also highlights how these foundational temporal concepts illuminate the causes of the present crisis in the humanities and its disciplinary limitations in the age of biopolitics and the Anthropocene.

About the author

Nitzan Lebovic is Professor of History and Apter Chair of Holocaust Studies and Ethical Values at Lehigh University. He is the author of The Philosophy of Life and Death and Zionism and Melancholy and the coeditor of two volumes, including The Politics of Nihilism.

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