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Small Books

Signale Minima

Series editor: Paul Fleming (Cornell University)

A companion to the main Signale series (for new, long-form scholarship) and Signale|TRANSFER (for translations), Signale minima will feature works that depart from the monograph format. Minima texts aspire to the long-essay form.

Signale minima seeks to capture and inspire urgent, experimental, occasional, quirky, or public-facing thought in the broad sphere of German Studies. Minima books place one big idea at the forefront and marshal literary, cultural, artistic, historical, and/or theoretical examples to bolster, illuminate, and elucidate it. Minima books are written for the public sphere.

Minima books are compact: 30,000-60,000 words.

Minima books move quickly: Evaluation of submitted manuscripts is entirely in-house with the Signale editorial board, accelerating the publishing process.